Daily schedule

7:00 am - 9:00 am

Arrival of children, freeplay.

7:30 am - 08:30 am

Breakfast is served.

8:30 am

Changing diapers of the children.

9:00 am

The educational program starts with morning circle time. The program block alternates between outdoor walks, guided activities and games, or outings.

11:00 am

The program block concludes with cleanup together, followed by free play until lunchtime. Children are changed.

11:30 am

Shared lunch.

12:15 pm

The children brush their teeth. Some children are accompanied for nap time. Those who do not nap engage in quiet activities like games and stories. They also have a lunch break.

2:00 pm

The children wake up, are changed, and join the playgroup. Some children are picked up and go home.

2:30 pm

The educational program block in the afternoon begins and includes alternately outdoor walks, guided activities and games, or outings.

3:30 pm

The children interrupt the program block for a shared afternoon snack. In summer, this can take place as a picnic outdoors.

4:00 pm - 4:30 pm

The children are changed. Free play until the children are picked up. Pickup time begins.

6:30 pm

A trained caregiver on late duty says goodbye to the last children and closes the daycare.