About us

Feeling and thinking are closely connected in the early years.

This means that learning is most effective when accompanied by curiosity, joy, and fun!

Educational concept

In our kindergarten, each child embarks on an exciting adventure of learning and discovery. We provide an environment that sparks children’s curiosity and interests. Here, children find diverse stimuli and opportunities to learn through play and joy.

Our daily kindergarten routine offers ample space for free play. Because we understand that the more learning in preschool age is accompanied by play, the more sustainable and intense the learning experiences are. In a loving atmosphere, children discover the world in their own way and at their own pace.

A special focus of our educational approach is bilingualism in English and German. By introducing children to both languages at an early age, we promote their linguistic development and cultural understanding.


Goals and Values

We aim to educate children to become confident, critical-thinking, and creative individuals. Our approach fosters practical intelligence and helps children develop skills that will benefit them throughout their lives. With passion, we accompany children, support their development, and encourage them to discover and unfold their talents.

We place great emphasis on emotional and social development. In our kindergarten, children learn empathy, teamwork, and conflict resolution skills. We prepare them for harmonious interaction and create a community where each child feels safe and secure.

Our dedicated team of educators provides a well-structured, child-friendly environment that helps children become independent and develop their skills. Our kindergarten is more than just a place of learning—it is a home where every child is welcome, feels comfortable, and can grow. Together, we create a supportive community that helps children grow into responsible individuals.


We offer children healthy and varied meals, taking special care to consider their dietary and cultural preferences. We provide the following meals: breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack (“Zvieri”). Once a week, we serve meat and fish, with a vegetarian option available each time as well.

At least once a week, children have the opportunity to assist in meal preparation. This allows us to introduce children to different foods and cooking processes.

No child is forced to eat; each child decides what and how much they want to eat and serves themselves (with possible assistance). No child is required to finish their plate. We accompany and support them where needed, always respecting their taste preferences and dislikes. Before meals, there are rituals that children look forward to, providing them with a sense of security.

